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Per gli autori

The Enchantment of Chess
Cultura - Letteratura
Scritto da Fiorenza Viani   
Lunedì 15 Giugno 2015 15:45

untitledSi segnala l'uscita su "" e "" del libro "the Enchantment of Chess".

Segue una presentazione dell’autore, l’amico e socio Ivano Pollini ed una recensione del libro.

About the author: Ivano E. Pollini worked as Professor of Physics at the University of Milan from 1977 until his retirement. He also worked as a Researcher at the Italian National Research Council for a period of over twenty years. He first learned the moves of chess at the age of 12 years and has continued to play ever since. Besides remaining a keen chess player, his passion for the game has led him over time to become a scholar and interpreter of the spirit of the game in all its manifestations, with particular regard to how the game's historical, philosophical, psychological and symbolic aspects relate to everyday life. He is a member of the Academy of Chess in Milano and also started to play by correspondence by 2011.



Authored by Ivano E. Pollini

Edited by Claudio Mori

Chess is an exemplary manifestation of human thought and is the intellectual game par excellence. It is one of the most difficult and demanding games known to man, played in every part of the world and studied assiduously by psychologists and cognitive scientists. Chess contains an entire universe of its own in which each single player may find a reflection of his own personality and identify with an aspect of the game particular to him. Although chess has a competitive and warlike structure, it possesses at the same time a meditative quality. The game has remained unchanged over the centuries in its symbolism, its specific ability to transmit messages and its potential to develop mental capacity.Chess has been shown over time to to be a metaphor able to illustrate abstract ideas and complex systems, as well as being a very effective tool in the hands of psychologists to better understand the human mind.